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Paul Copcutt

Brand yourself for the job you want

In this 33:11 minute podcast, personal branding specialist Paul Copcutt describes how developing and promoting your personal brand will bring you career advancement and job satisfaction.

John: Could you give us your key take away on the topic of personal branding.

Paul: OK. I always like things in threes, so maybe I’ll give you three. Three take-aways.

If your job can be done faster by a machine or software, or cheaper somewhere else in the world, and you need to differentiate yourself right now, otherwise that job is not going to exist. Personal branding gives you that opportunity to stand out and be different, but still be who you are.

It’s really up to you to own the definition of who you are. That would be my second take-away. You can’t rely on anyone else anymore to tell you where your next opportunity is.

The great thing with personal branding is, it really is permission to be yourself. You don't have to be somebody you are not, but people have more potential than they believe they do. Personal branding helps people identify that and get the benefit of that.

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