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Amy Gubser

The Benefits of Knowing What You Want

In this 18:52 minute podcast, career-coach Amy Gubser describes how discovering your aptitude, personality, and goals will bring you money, security, and fulfillment.

John: Amy, it seems to me that job seekers these days are opportunistic, accepting the first offer of employment that comes along because they need the money. It’s as if the current tough job market denies people the luxury of career planning. What’s your take on all this?

Amy: You know that’s interesting because when I get clients and am talking with them about their clarity and where they're going, two things come up: "Who are you?" and "What do you really want out of life?" So many times people don't know where to begin. Thus I take people through a 3-step career development process:

1. Self-assessment
2. Career exploration
3. Job search

But here's what happens. Unfortunately, most people try to short cut the process by skipping important steps one and two and going directly to three, sending out random resumes to jobs where they lack the interest or qualifications.

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